You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2020.

my interview on WGN Radio 720 AM a few weeks ago about Showtime’s new John Belushi documentary, you can now check it out here.

Definitely not the backbone of that amazing film,


So many things to look at!

…”I’m gonna be live on NBC News tonight, so I better make sure my place is looking swank as hell. Framed DNA strand? Check. Mountain range photo I took in Colorado last year and then had Shutterfly print on canvas? Goddamn right. Wicker sombrero? Uh-huh. Big ass bowl of apples? You fucking know it.”

My background would be covered in framed letters from Charles Manson,


"The War With Grandpa"

I forgot to mention this last week because, you know, everything, but many years ago (seriously, like over four years ago now), I was hired by the Weinstein Company (before it exploded and Harvey was publicly outed as the villain everyone in the industry already knew him to be) to work on The War With Grandpa script.

Over two weeks, I worked alongside director Tim Hill and fellow screenwriter Dave Johnson on what is called a “comedy pass,” which basically means I was brought in to make the existing script funnier.

It was a crazy gig, partly because we were camped out in Bob Weinstein’s office while we worked, but also because I was simultaneously working on The Guardian Brothers script with the Weinstein office in New York. And so during my breaks in L.A., I would go into an office and call New York to discuss the other project I was working on for them.

I haven’t seen The War With Grandpa yet, but it was a great experience and I’m excited to find out how much of what I contributed actually made it into the final cut of the movie. Now if I could only remember what I contributed….

Four long years in the making,


PS: No, you won’t find my name anywhere on the movie (poster, IMDb, etc.) because, as Don Draper so aptly put it, “That’s what the money is for!”

WGN Radio 720

…talking about the John Belushi article I wrote for Chicago magazine.

If you get the chance, tune in here. I’ll be on between 8:30 and 9:00AM.

My AM radio debut,


Old Poop!