You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2014.


…for these sweet new Milwaukee Brewing Company pint glasses!

KB broke a fourth one before we left Chicago… dammit,


…on a flight to L.A. from London.

We were on our way back home from Berlin and Belgium; Vanessa was traveling from her home country of England to meet up with her husband Dominic, who was in town as a guest at a Doctor Who convention.

Vanessa is a freelance photographer and composer; Dominic is also a composer (in 1986, he created this Doctor Who theme for the show’s 23rd Season). As fellow creative folks, we quickly hit it off.

We talked about film, television, politics—a little bit of everything—and exchanged info when we landed. Soon after, we became Facebook friends with Vanessa. A couple weeks later, we became Facebook friends with Dominic.

A few days ago, they posted this photo of Dominic reading The Roberts at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy to my wall.

Dominic Glynn reading "The Roberts" at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy!

I now officially love these folks.

Can’t wait to visit them in England… someday,


"Sleep Walk"

is fantastic.

Thanks to Salomon for passing it along,


"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."

I know it might seem like I sit at home all day long, drinking whiskey and updating The Blarg, but the truth is I spend much of my day writing.

Lately, most of that writing has been on long-form projects, like screenplays, teleplays, detailed pitches, and (those ever-dreaded) rewrites. The shortest of these projects come in around 30 pages; the longest ones top out around 120.

Because of this, I sometimes take an hour or so to write a short comedic sketch (between one to ten pages) to break up the monotony of those more long-form projects. Over the past couple years I’ve written about a dozen of them; but while they’re fun to write as an exercise, nobody ever really gets to read them.

So to remedy this, I’ve decided to put them out there for everyone to read. I’m doing this for two reasons:

1. I like to share! That, and it’s better than having them sit on my hard drive until I’m dead.

2. It’s my hope that someone out there might be inspired to actually do something with them. Want to film it as a short? Awesome. Interested in animating it? Go for it. Feel like performing it onstage somewhere? I double-dog dare you. All I ask is that you give me credit where it’s due, and (if possible) send me a copy of the final product to check out. I’ll even put it up on The Blarg to share with the four people who visit my site. Hi, Marla!

The fourth of Shady’s Shorts is called “Spoiler Alert.”

Download it by clicking below.


Number three,


“Spoiler Alert” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Created by Justin Shady, ©2014.
Creative Commons License





Fuck if it doesn’t,


Still overpriced.

…when something you wrote shows up in the bargain bin!

Still one penny better than the 99¢ Only Stores,



Its vision is based on movement,



Cantaloupe… you are NOT the father,


No! YES!!!

Awesome awesome trouble.

KB has a wine (buying) addiction,


Old Poop!