You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2011.

When we move out of our apartment at the end of the month, I’ll miss the mystery person who plays piano in the apartment building on the other side of the tree. (Believe me, it’s there.)

I won’t miss the monster child who screams endlessly in the apartment building on the other side of the tree. (Believe me, it’s there.)

It sounds like torture… the screaming, not the music,


…for this article in “Variety.”

One of two,


…for this article in “Variety.”

Two of two,


…and zoom in real close…

…you just might see a super handsome guy walking his awesome dog.

They didn’t blur the tattoos,


…but I think “Avatar 2” looks like total shit.

Still haven’t seen the first one,


…until the crazy fucking demon bitch who lives behind us decided it was no longer wanted.

Can’t wait to be rid of her,


We rescued our cat Meatshake from a local shelter shortly after moving to Los Angeles in 2008. We first introduced her to the world here.

For those of you who don’t already know, Meatshake’s name is a nod to the Long Beach-bred hip-hop group Ugly Duckling, who featured a fictional fast food chain of the same name on their 2003 album Taste the Secret.

A few weeks ago, Ugly Duckling contacted me and asked if Meatshake would be interested in becoming their official mascot. Needless to say, Meatshake couldn’t be more honored or excited to contribute to the Ugly Duckling cause! They even put together the above image of Meatshake sporting the legendary gold dookie chain as she tears up the wheels of steel!

Meatshake made her debut as Ugly Duckling’s mascot yesterday. Check out the announcement on their site here. Meatshake will be making a few more appearances on the site as they near the October release of their new full-length, Moving at Breakneck Speed.

So stay tuned to “The Blarg” for more Ugly Duckling and Meatshake updates, and learn more about the fellas here.

It comes full circle,


…for this “OC Weekly” article.

Goddamn backpackers,


…sent me this photo of a menu today.

Could they make their steaks sound any dirtier?

I like mine bloody,


The end officially begins,


Old Poop!