You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2009.


He’s the dreamiest,


…and interview him for an upcoming feature in The Onion’s A.V. Club. I’m not sure when the interview will run, but I’ll definitely post details here when it does.

In the meantime, check out a couple pictures I shot of him after the interview. A similar shot will run with the article when published.

Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey

Shepard was nice enough to sign my copy of E Pluribus Venom (which I got from my good friend Erik Rose for Christmas last year), and he even gave me a copy of his newest book, Supply & Demand: The Art of Shepard Fairey.

If you’re a fan of his work and don’t own it yet, go pick it up.

Shepard Fairey's "E Pluribus Venom" and "Supply & Demand"

Autographed Shepard Fairey books

But the best part of the visit was when I gave him a copy of Missing the Boat and he asked me to sign it; I quietly giggled like a school girl as I did.

In addition to being one hell of an artist, Shepard is a great guy and completely grounded. It was really cool to be able to sit down and talk with him for an hour.

So thanks, Shepard! I hope you enjoy your copy of Missing the Boat! Heh.

Learn more about Shepard here.



Obama wants change… apparently for turtles and salamanders!

Nowadays, a lot of businesses are taking advantage of Obama’s popularity and… well, let me just show you.

A few miles away from our apartment is a small reptile store called Fish Reef Reptiles. Here’s their signage:

Fish Reef Reptiles

Located just below that sign is their front door, and directly next to said front door is this enormous hand-painted mural:

Fish Reef Reptiles

Forget about politics, support small business… and create the creepiest portrait of Barack Obama ever in the process.

I have to admit that a tiny part of me thinks this is disgusting. Thankfully, a huge part of me thinks it’s fucking awesome.

Barack Lobster,


PS: Just to be clear, I know a lobster isn’t a reptile, but “Barack Lobster” worked so much better than “Barack Gecko” or something like that. Please don’t email me calling me a moron.

Casio's Exilim High-Speed

So–as some of you may already know–I actually have my bachelor’s degree in photography, not writing.

I’ll give you all a second here to spout off any snide comments you may have.

Now, because of my background and interest in photography I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to new techie photo… well, stuff. High megapixels thrill me… I’m just that kind of guy.

Of course, I admit that when it comes to cameras I’ve been known to be a pretty die-hard Canon guy, with an occasional venture into the world of Nikon. But the new Exilim High Speed series from Casio has me a little more than intrigued to try something new.

Sure, the Exilim has most of the same bells and whistles that many other digital cameras have. But it also features something no other camera companies are offering yet, and that’s an insanely high rate of frames per second.

Casio is boasting that this line of cameras can shoot up to 60 frames of photography per second, and video at a mind-blowing rate of 1,200 frames per second. To put it into perspective for you, most television and film is shot at a rate of 24 frames per second, so in one second of shooting you can get at least double the amount of frames.

The resulting images are moments that are essentially frozen in time.

So don’t grow up boring your kids with old pictures of your life; instead, whip out images made from this camera and show them a flip book of your younger years!

I think I’m gonna get my hands on one of these soon, so I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my own little photo experiments. In the meantime, click here to see exactly what kind of imagery and video these cameras are capable of, and then hop on over here and enter to win your very own EX-FC100 model.

I can’t wait to try it out. I’ve never seen my dog, Mr. Fabulous, take a crap at 60 frames per second, but I’m sure it’s gonna look awesome!

Mama, don’t take my Kodachrome away,


…right here.

Thanks, Lee!


I just wanted to let you know that you’re a moron, probably for a plethora of reasons but mostly because of this.

And while it’s not illegal to say that, I’m sure you’ll find some way to turn it around and make it so.

When it comes to politicians, you’re the lamest of the lame, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.



…or that the whole world is out to get you, remember this guy.

Your life ain’t so bad anymore, is it?

You dropped a bomb on me… twice,


…is a fantastic painter. He also happens to be making a push to drum up some new work, including both freelance and commissions.

He’s great at landscapes and plein air work:

Carl Bork plein air painting

Carl Bork landscape painting

And equally as awesome at portraiture, including these two pieces of his wife Karen Watkins and our mutual friend Marla Campbell, respectively:

Carl Bork portrait painting

Carl Bork figure painting

Here’s a self-portrait he did looking all Abraham Lincoln-y:

Carl Bork self-portrait painting

He even did a portrait of yours truly a few years back:

Carl Bork portrait painting

So instead of buying some mass-produced wall garbage from Target and hanging it in your dining room, contact Carl through his website here and see about getting yourself some real one-of-a-kind artwork.

I want Carl to paint me as Nixon,


…you would have seen this:

Google and Eric Carle's Very Hungry Caterpillar

Eric Carle and the Very Hungry Caterpillar ring in spring!

Happy new season,


…available for download right here at the newly-launched site for the upcoming NIN|JA 2009 tour.

The EP features exclusive unreleased tracks from Jane’s Addiction, Nine Inch Nails & Street Sweeper.

Dig it!

Got a boner,


Old Poop!