You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2016.

It's a very specific elevator.

Only KB could ride it,



If you can read this… I fell off,


Prince: 1958 - 2016

…for this Myspace article. Check it out.

Fuck David Ward,


I'm rocking the fuck out of this.

What you guys think?

It’s totally me,


Joanie Laurer: 1969 - 2016

…for this Myspace article. Check it out.

These are getting more depressing,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“Pube-A Gooding Jr.”

– Beth, talking about Cuba Gooding Jr.’s nude scene in the final episode of The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, 4/16/16

This episode spawned two quotes,


Doris Roberts: 1925 -2016

…for this Myspace article. Check it out.

Dying is apparently my business,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“Man, you’re never gonna guess how it ends.”

– Beth, talking about the final episode of The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, 4/7/16

Honestly didn’t see that end coming… 21 years ago,


The Albion Beasts.

That makes three of us,


I've always prided myself on being a bit of a hand soap rebel.

You’re not the boss of me,


Old Poop!