You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2014.

…from Shecky Aristotle von Fabulous…

Shecky Aristotle von Fabulous, Esquire!


Shecky Aristotle von Fabulous, Esquire!

This just might be better than my all-time favorite photo of her,


this was happening.


Happy anniversary, KB!

Can’t believe how quickly it’s gone,


…than to turn my back on Matt Averhoff when we were in Vegas last week.

Fuckin' Averhoff.

But because I didn’t… oh, Matt Averhoff… it’s back on!

Already plotting and scheming its return,



…but I swear I never met that woman, nor did I perform her butt surgery.

Covering my ass… and apparently she should’ve covered hers,


…not only because he decorates his envelopes so adorably (and puts hilarious inside-joke names in the return address)…


…and not because, like me, he communicates only in teenage girl speak…


…but because he sends me original sketches…

The sketch!

…for things that make me both nostalgic and homesick all at once.

The final!

But those other things are pretty alright, too,



The best,


I recently came across some old photos I shot over the last twenty years or so.

Rather than let them sit on a CD for the rest of my life I figured I’d save them to my desktop, dust them off, and share them with you guys one image at a time.

Hope you enjoy them.

"More Miserable Disney Kids"

"More Miserable Disney Kids"

More Miserable Disney Kids

Just like Happy Disney Family, I shot these images of miserable kids in Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in May 2001.

As I mentioned in the earlier post, during this trip I purposely sought out children and families who looked like they were having a miserable time in a place that is known for the exact opposite.

Like Happy Disney Family, the top image—of a limp, dead-like child being held in his father’s arms as they wait in line at Space Mountain—was shot  with my Mamiya RB67. The bottom image—of a girl sitting on the ground crying as adults stand around ignoring her—was shot with my Lubitel-2, an old, Russian medium-format camera that shoots square images.

Both images were shot on 120 transparency film and processed in C-41 (negative color film chemistry), which is a process also known as cross processing. This process is what gives the image its high contrast and vibrant colors.

By the end of the trip, I probably had eight to ten quality images similar to the ones above; not necessarily enough for a true series (at least in my opinion). I meant to shoot more images like these the next time I made my way back to Disney World but, to date, I have not.

Disneyland is calling… might have to revisit this idea soon,


…my mom sent KB and me a ransom letter!

Or, more accurately, a clue of the gift that awaits us back in Milwaukee when we come in for the holidays in December.


I didn’t know she was still making music, let alone monster movies.


How did my mom guess my wrestling name?!?

This would be sweet, but I'm guessing it's not accurate.

Well, someone’s going to Hell. HINT: It’s probably me.

Is that a WWE reference?

I don’t know what this means, but something tells me it A) is definitely illegal, and B) somehow involves Chris Hanson from To Catch A Predator.

Oh, no.

Ah-HA! Got it!

Ah. Got it.

Officially excited for December,


In 2009, I gave you these.

In 2010, these.

In 2011, these.

In 2012, these.

And last year, I gave you these.

And now, with another year of Blarg headers behind us, I give you these:

Blarg Header #223

Blarg Header #224

Blarg Header #225

Blarg Header #226

Blarg Header #227

Blarg Header #228

Blarg Header #229

Blarg Header #230

Blarg Header #231

Blarg Header #232

Blarg Header #233

Blarg Header #234

Blarg Header #235

Blarg Header #236

Blarg Header #237

Blarg Header #238

Blarg Header #239

Blarg Header #240

Blarg Header #241

Blarg Header #242

Blarg Header #243

Blarg Header #244

Blarg Header #245

Blarg Header #246

Blarg Header #247

Blarg Header #248

Blarg Header #249

Blarg Header #250

Blarg Header #251

Blarg Header #252

Blarg Header #253

Blarg Header #254

Blarg Header #255

Blarg Header #256

Blarg Header #257

Blarg Header #258

Blarg Header #259

Blarg Header #260

Blarg Header #261

Blarg Header #262

Blarg Header #263

Blarg Header #264

Blarg Header #265

Blarg Header #266

Blarg Header #267

Blarg Header #268

Blarg Header #269

Blarg Header #270

Blarg Header #271

Blarg Header #272

Blarg Header #273

Six years down,



…and now I do.

Here’s a better look at the artwork.

On a t-shirt!

Thanks for the gift, brotha!

Hey! Pass me a t-shirt,


Old Poop!