You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2017.

It's a Steib Family visit (minus Pam)!

More coming in tonight,


"Beyond Good & Trump"

A book about New Orleans is next,


You'd have to be THIS CRAZY to go to Hopleaf.

…right here.

It’s not that good,



…and I also want to send my love to all of my awesome and amazing family and friends who fought the good fight and marched all around the world on Saturday.

Much love and support to Giordana, Debbie, Angela, Shelley, Kenley, Emily, Kelsey, Bethany, Nandita, Hunter, Alyssa, Bill, Sarah, Jonah, Simon, Lille, Adam, Jah, Kaya, Mel, Kyle, Amélie, Mana, Greg… and anyone else I missed!

I’m proud to call each and every one of you a friend; you continue to give me faith in humanity. Keep it up, stay strong, and take the power back.

Much love,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


Justin: “I’m anti-dynasty—”

Milan: “What about Falcon Crest?”

– Milan, 1/20/17

I’m also anti that one,


Kenley Young's "Seneca Guns."

…so pick up your copy here today, and then check out more of his music here.

I miss those L.A. bar shows,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“Does she have crabs? Or are those octopuses?”

– Carrie, asking about the pattern on Grey’s pajamas, 1/20/17

I once got octopuses in college,


What a buffoon.

I encourage each of you to do what I just did and report him.






It’s both accurate and funny!



I know some of you are of the mindset that we must remain vigilant and keep an eye on him at all times—keep your friends close, your enemies closer and all that—and while that is partly true, keeping tabs on him is only half the battle. The other half is learning when to completely ignore him.

Today—one of the darkest days in American history—will undoubtedly be the biggest, most important day of his pathetic little life. Do not add to his already (unjustly) inflated ego by tuning in. Don’t add another viewer—another set of eyeballs—to the train wreck as it unfolds on live television.

The only good that could possibly come out of today is that some hero throws an unripened tomato at his dick. And believe me, if that actually does happen it will be all over the internet in half a second.

So don’t slow your car down. Don’t roll your window down for a better view. Don’t gawk. Just keep on driving.

Because the key to fighting this putz will be to watch him like a hawk when he wants to stay hidden, and completely ignore him when he’s looking for the attention he so desperately craves. It will take time to master, for sure, but unfortunately we have four years to figure it out.

An easy way to gauge whether or not you should be paying attention to him is this: If he’s smiling that smug grin, waving with his tiny hands, and quoting his stupid fucking reality show, odds are he’s counting on you to tune in.

Don’t give him the pleasure.

More soon, so stay tuned. We’re just getting started.



It's a birfday mixtape from Tiggins!

…made me an old-school mixtape for my birthday last September.

It took me awhile to find and dig out a player, but I was finally able to listen to the tape earlier today!

Thanks for the mix, Tiggins! There’s a lot of great music on there, and I found myself becoming nostalgic for that old tape “hiss” sound.

I think we’re officially going steady now,


Old Poop!