You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2018.

Fisto indeed!

I know it may seem like I sit at home all day long, drinking beer and updating The Blarg, but the truth is I spend much of my day writing.

Lately, most of my writing has been on long-form projects. Because of this, I sometimes write a short (most times comedic, other times not so much) to break up the monotony of those longer projects. But while these shorts are fun to write as an exercise, nobody ever really gets to read them.

To remedy this, I’ve decided to share them here. I’m doing this for two reasons:

1. I like to share! That, and it’s better than having them sit on my computer.

2. It’s my hope that someone might be inspired to actually do something creative with them. Want to film one as a short? Awesome. Interested in animating one? Go for it. Feel like performing one live onstage? I dare you. All I ask is that you give me credit and send me a copy of the final product.

The forty-second of Shady’s Shorts is called “Meanwhile, At Snake Mountain…”

Download it by clicking below.


Number forty-one,


“Meanwhile, At Snake Mountain…” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Created by Justin Shady, ©2018.

It's a Grampus sighting!

We went through a lot of beer,


KB & Grey Danger: Tag-Team Champions!

Yeah, brother. Seriously, a brother.

Pre-sex tape.

Fabulous mullet.

Hell yeah, brother,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


Blessed be MY name.

My friends said they’d never accept it. My friends were wrong.

It's the little things.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


For once, I agree with Dubya.

Never thought it could get worse than him,


Edel Rodriguez's "Fire and Fury" cover that should've been.

…Tori Telfer’s Lady Killers (but not before dropping it into a bathtub full of water), so I figured I’d start off 2018 with, duh, Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

I know there is speculation over the book’s complete accuracy, but here’s how I look at it: If even only 10% of what’s inside is true, it’s still shocking. And appalling. And gross.

The actual cover design of the book is shit, so instead I decided to post Cuban-born artist Edel Rodriguez’s take on what he would’ve done with the cover. Edel is responsible for many of TIME‘s recent Trump covers. Check out his work here, and then learn more about his cover illustrations here.

I enjoy a good mix of both fact and fiction,


Ever since the Saving Charlie Chaplin live read last June, I’ve been fortunate enough to receive some awesome, Chaplin-inspired gifts from my amazing friends. (Some of you may remember this gift from my good friend Salomon.)

My (other) good friends Erik and César also recently sent me a couple Chaplin goodies. Cés sent me Chaplin: Stage by Stage by A.J. Marriot, a book about Chaplin’s theater work…

"Chaplin: Stage by Stage" by A.J. Marriot.

…and Erik sent me this flip book box of Chaplin’s “dinner roll dance” scene from The Gold Rush.

Thanks so much, fellas! Though I’m not big on opening gifts, I do enjoy and appreciate them.

I have the best (good) friends,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


Old Poop!