You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2018.

…updates on The Blarg have been pretty slow these past few months.

Some of this is due to the fact that summer is a crazy time that typically creates a bit of a lull in regular updates. After all, when it’s nice out, people should be out enjoying life/nature/booze/etc., not regularly checking in on an admittedly dumb blog that makes me exactly zero dollars.

But while all of that is a fact, I’ve also been insanely busy working on a ton of upcoming projects. Hopefully, if the stars align and everything goes well, I will be able to share some exciting updates with all of you very soon.

And if they don’t align, well… I’ll just drown myself in depression with cans of Miller High Life and frozen Jack’s pizzas over the winter, and then re-emerge fatter, bitter, and more beardy in the spring.

So, you know… wish me luck!

Thanks for the patience, and I honestly hope to share some amazing news with all of you very soon.

Fingers crossed,



…recently used a few of my questions for the final round of the newest episode of his podcast Triviality. Listen to the episode here, then learn more about Triviality (and Neal) here.

Definitely not the last time you hear about Triviality,


Yet another thing I wish I had thought of.

…recently sent me a link to a Cards Against Humanity call for submissions for potential contributing writers. Applicants were asked to submit fifteen white card ideas and five black card ideas.

Earlier today, I entered. Here are my submissions:

Wish me luck!

I am said horrible person,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


West Rebel Wilder Robert Bryja Shady is one!

I love you so much, little buddy!

I meant #2 as in “second child,” not second favorite… or poop,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


…next to a dumpster of a now abandoned school building behind our place.

From what I can tell, the album documents a 1995 school trip for a class of Chicago high school students who visited a farm and campground in Wisconsin.

Most of the photos are boring (a lot of kids standing around trying to look too cool for school), but a handful of them are amazing. I’ve decided to post these gems one at a time and caption them along the way.

Here’s the first one:

Denise and Brad have now been unhappily married for 19 years.

“Don’t take my picture, Brad!” slurred Denise, who was joyously drunk on a near-lethal mix of Jolt Cola, Cool Ranch Doritos, and Bubble Tape. But as she coyly turned away from him, Denise softly whispered to herself, “Take my picture, Bradley. Take it, process it, print it… and then fall in love with me forever.”

Six more to come,


…of the new theme is up! Here it is:

Check out all of the headers (so far) here,


Old Poop!