You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2021.

I'm in!

Excessive Drinking Rosé During the Pandemic.

And immediately I was like: “Go on….”

My liver be crying,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern-day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“I keep my butthole closed so things can’t get in there. Like bats.”

– Justin, 4/26/21

Even I make it onto the board every once in awhile,


Oh, I see it now! Wait... no.

…and woke up with this written on my hand. Yes, in my handwriting.

And I have absolutely no idea what it means.

So yeah… five bucks to the first person to decipher it!

Living a super relaxed Memento,


Yep, makes sense.

That door opens to a restaurant patio,


Here come the drums!

…on Twitter is easily the highlight of 2021 so far.

Can’t truss time,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern-day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“Ahhh! You look like that pig lady from The Twilight Zone!”

– Dad, 4/5/21

He was pretty spot-on,


"Slingshot" by Mercedes Helnwein.

…has a new book out today. It’s titled Slingshot.

Pick up a copy at your local independent bookstore… now!


At least we'll be together in Hell.

At least we’ll be together in Hell,


Back when I was living in Columbus, Ohio my friends and I started a quote wall. Whenever a bit of brilliance (or otherwise) poured out of someone’s mouth, somebody would yell “Quote!” thus nominating it for Quote Board status. The quote then had to be seconded by someone (it almost always was), and then it would be written down to be forever immortalized on the Quote Board.

This is the modern-day equivalent of that classic piece of my past.


“The moon doesn’t talk, right?”

– Grey, 4/5/21

Never been there so I can’t honestly say one way or the other,


Old Poop!